DVS與Torey Pudwill續約

甫完成破產重組的DVS宣布將與Torey Pudwill續簽三年合約。
Torey Pudwill人氣居高不下,自有品牌Grizzly也相當火紅,這次再度重回DVS也是眾望所歸,繼續與他的老大哥Daewon Song一起打拼。
Heritage skate-shoe company DVS continues to make bold moves to reclaim its focus as an industry leader as it announces the return of Torey Pudwill to its professional skate team. The three year endorsement deal reinforces the brand's commitment to sponsoring the best athletes, events and retailers worldwide. A DVS team rider for 10 years, Pudwill's signature shoes, the Torey & Torey 2 are among the brand's most popular, only increasing the anticipation for the third signature shoe, currently in the works.

(滑板鞋品牌DVS決定用續簽Torey Pudwill來證明我們回歸市場的決心與勇氣。3年的續簽合同也是DVS對自己源於滑板,支持本土店舖的強力證明。作為跟隨DVS10年的滑手,Torey Pudwill的簽名款滑板鞋,The Torey 和Torey 2 是DVS所有鞋品中最受歡迎也是最暢銷的鞋款。我們現正製作Torey Pudwill的第三雙簽名款滑板鞋,相信不久就會與大家正式見面。)

Voted Street Skater of the Year by Transworld Skateboarding in 2011, Pudwill is one of the most skilled and well-liked personalities in pro skating, and is also a top competitor. With a victory at the 2012 Tampa Pro and solid skating in the Street League Championship series, Torey continues to push progression on all fronts.

(被Transworld滑板雜誌評選為2011 最佳街式滑手的Torey Pudwill是一位技術出眾,平易近人的職業滑手,當然在比賽中​​的表現也是相當出色。2012 年Tampa Pro的冠軍可以說是其實力的最佳證明,還有Street League中勇猛的表現也令人印象深刻。Torey繼續著他在滑板前沿的奮鬥)

“I'm happy to be a part of a company I grew up skating for. It's my roots, and now I'm motivated and dedicated to skate harder than ever !”(我非常高興我可以繼續成為DVS的一部分,DVS可以說一直伴隨著我滑板的成長,是我的根。我很激動,也會更加努力的去滑板!)

———–Torey Pudwill

“Torey r​​epresents both the present and future of the skate world, and we are looking forward to our continued partnership with him. He is a great asset to the DVS brand.”(Torey Pudwill可以說是滑板行業現在與未來的領航者,我們很期待與他的繼續合作,他是DVS的一筆重要財富。)

———–Colin Dyne(Sequential Brands Group首席執行官)
